The 2nd Inter-hospital sharing was held on 24th August 2017. Dr. Ramesh Kumar Maharjan of Institute of Medicine (IOM) has shared the “importance of CME-CPD in Nepal.”
Dr. Yogendra Amatya of Patan Academy of Health Sciences was the resource person for the 3rd Inter-hospital sharing. This was held on 25thSeptember 2017. The presentation was focused on “lung ultrasound in emergency.”

The 4th Inter-hospital sharing was held on 30th November 2017. Dr. Arbin Joshi from PHECT delivered a presentation on “Achieving Global Surgery 2030 targets by upgrading MDGP doctors with rural surgery training.” Doctors from Kirtipur Hospital, Patan Academy of Health Science, Aampiple Hospital, Dhulikhel Hospital, Kathmandu Model Hospital, Shikha Health Clinic of Myagdi district has participated in the session through NREN E-class platform.
The 5th Inter-hospital sharing was held on 17th December 2017. There were two presentations, one was from Dhulikhel hospital presented by Dr. Sanu Shrestha on “Public health program at Dhulikhel hospital,” and another was by Kishor Panth from NREN on “the EVO telehealth.” There were total 11 remote sites in the session.

The 6th inter-hospital sharing was held on 8th January 2018. Dr. Arati Shah of Bir Hospital shared experiences on “Tele-Oncology in Cancer Management.” There were 15 sites connected in the session.
The 7th session inter-hospital sharing was held on 2nd February 2018. Dr. Binod Dangal from Charikot Hospital gave talk on “public-private partnership in healthcare: Lessons and experience from the Charikot Hospital.” Similarly, the technology presentation was focused on “Effective Broadband and Relevant Application” implemented in Dailekh district by ICT4D. The presenter was Mr. Pavan Shakya of ICT4D. Total 18 hospitals were brought together in the session.
The 8th inter-hospital sharing was held on 16th February, 2018. There were two presentations, however, due to some issues on E-class system, we were only able to cover the second presentation. It was delivered jointly by Kishor Panth, Sastra Network Solution, and Mr. Brahmanand Thakur, Lead Innovation, focusing on ” ECG in Telemedicine.”

The 9th Inter-hospital sharing
The 9th Inter-hospital sharing was held on April 2018. Prof. Dr. Shankar Man Rai, a renowned expert for repairing clefts and burn injuries, delivered a presentation on “Challenges in burn care in Nepal.” Another presenter was Mr. Ravi Bajracharya, CTO of Wiseyak Inc, focused on “Clinical Decision Support Technology.”

The 10th Inter-hospital sharing
The 10th Inter-Hospital Sharing held on May 31st, 2018. There was two presenter, Dr. Uday Koirala, an executive member of Telemedicine Society of Nepal and a rural telemedicine practitioner.-“Telemedicine in Nepal: Are we ready to continue and strengthen?”,Another Presentor was, Prof. Dr. Suresh Manandhar of the University of York, head Artificial Intelligence Research Group doing research on using AI in healthcare practice -“Using Artificial Intelligence to deliver low-cost quality healthcare in developing countries,”

The 11th Inter-hospital sharing
The 11th Inter-Hospital Sharing held on Friday 6th July. Dr. Kabin Bhattachan, Consultant Gynecologist at Kathmandu Model Hospital, delivered the presentation on “Cervical Cancer: Screening and Prevention”.

The 12th Inter-Hospital Sharing
The 12th Inter-Hospital Sharing held on Tuesday, 28th August. In the session, Dr. Richard R. Love, Scientific Director of the International Breast Cancer Research Foundation (IBCRF), delivered a presentation on, ” Adjuvant Hormonal Treatment for Premenopausal Women with Hormone-Sensitive Breast Cancer.” Recorded video is available here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iFJVVgGYRw&t=1266s

The 13th Inter-Hospital Sharing
The 13th Inter-Hospital Sharing held on 5th September. In this session, Dr. Arbin Joshi, Department of Surgery, Kathmandu Model Hospital and Dr. Samir Lama, Pyuthan District Hospital,delevered the presentation on “Defensive medicine’ through eclass.